💀 This Has to Have a Happy Ending (Rehearsal for my Funeral)
I can tell you the statistically most likely where you're going to die. Which is also the statistically, the way I'm going to die... in a car accident.
I want to say that you woke up and it was a beautiful sunny Italian morning and you were like, up in the north.
Maybe you're doing something you love maybe...
…you're sitting in a chair and—
I am sad because you're not together like physically together as one.
I am grief stricken,
but I find peace in knowing that you're still part of my world,
both in the way you profoundly affected me, but also in the way that you quite simply are still in the world,
you are already the universe.
It's already inside you and you stay part of it.
This Has to Have a Happy Ending (Rehearsal for my Funeral) by Ryan Hamilton on Apple Music
Playlist · 16 Songs